Bated Breath

Salem TV Series

I’ve been lingering of late, in hopes of bringing this column my thoughts on something new. The alternative was to go off on some shows I’m profoundly late to the party on. Thankfully, fortune shone on me in the form of two new series premieres. I was on Hulu the other night, looking for something …

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Less Is Never More – More or Less

Stuck On You by Jasper Bark

  About a decade and a half ago Keith Tyson, a conceptual artist and childhood friend of mine (who would later go on to win the Turner Prize), invited me to one of his shows. It was in a boutique gallery in a trendy part of West London and the place was filled with just …

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Interview: Andre Duza, April 2014

Andre Duza

We recently caught up with Andre Duza, the author of Necro Sex Machines and Jesus Freaks. Duza’s work has been published in many magazines, including Undead and Chainsaw Magazine. At the beginning of this interview, Andre speaks bravely and honestly of a traumatic childhood experience, which was the catalyst to writing from a very young …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 28 April 2014

Welcome to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? You want the best the web has to offer? You want a toilet made out of solid gold? As Meat Loaf once sang, two out of three ain’t bad. This week: Horror: The Ugly Duckling of Cinema Up to snuff: Why ‘Found Footage’ is Good …

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News Round-up Week Ending 25 April


NBC drops hints about Rosemary’s Baby NBC have released further pictures to promote their new 4 hour adaptation of Ira Levin’s novel Rosemary’s Baby. The cast will feature Star Trek star Zoe Saldana, Patrick J. Adams and Harry Potter bad guy Jason Isaacs. The show will premiere on NBC on 11 May in the States. …

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Film Review: Frankenstein: The True Story (1973)

Time and memory are strange phenomena to say the least, especially when it comes to items such as films. Frankenstein: The True Story was originally broadcast in the early 1970s on the BBC on New Year’s Eve/Day. The film was praised highly at the time, and certainly it cannot be faulted in terms of production values, …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 21 April 2014

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. It’s Easter, and no doubt you’re all full up on chocolate, or if you’re a bit of a carnivorous sicko, bunny rabbits. What better way to celebrate Easter than getting stuck into these five great horror articles. It’s what Jesus would have wanted. Joe Hill’s Favourite Horror Villains …

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News Round-up Week Ending 18 April

Cold In July

George R. R. Martin to headline Stoker Weekend Game of Thrones scribe George R. R. Martin has been confirmed as Guest of Honour at the World Horror Convention 2017. Although the location of the event is yet to be confirmed, tickets are sure to be in short supply following this spectacular announcement. Keep an eye …

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Meet The Writer Interview: Craig Wallwork

 Craig Wallwork is the author of the short story collection Quintessence of Dust, Gory Hole and the novels To Die Upon a Kiss and The Sound of Loneliness. His fiction has appeared in various anthologies, journals and magazines. He is also the fiction editor at Menacing Hedge Magazine. He currently resides in West Yorkshire, England. …

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Book Review: Blood Kin by Steve Rasnic Tem

“The best book Steve Tem has written!” Michael Gibson returns to the family home in the Southern Appalachian mountains to look after his ailing grandmother and recover from a bad patch in his life. While he is there, his grandmother begins to tell him stories from her childhood – tales that Michael feels as if …

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