Meet The Writer Interview: James Everington

James Everington

  James Everington mainly writes dark, supernatural fiction, although he occasionally takes a break and writes dark, non-supernatural fiction. His second collection of such tales, Falling Over, is out now from Infinity Plus. He has a black cat and cream carpets, which shows how much thought he puts into those parts of his life that aren’t …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 3 March 2014

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: Ten Years Later: Saw and the Torture Porn Genre Ten great Horror References From 90s Cartoons Sequels and Remakes: The Good, The Bad, and The Regrettable: NOTLD Joseph …

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In Defence of Beards!

Award-winning beardsman Jack Passion

I was a bit of a late starter when it came to facial hair. In fact I was over 30 before I had to start shaving more than once in a blue moon. I was actually quite upset by the sudden onset of face fuzz if I’m honest. It seemed like a definitive end to …

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News Round-up Week Ending 28 February

Cell poster

Join Grimmfest for Tenebrae tonight! Grimmfest are screening Dario Argento’s Tenebrae tonight (28 February) at Gorilla Bar in Manchester. Tickets are available from the Grimmfest website. Final ballot for the Stoker Awards announced The final ballot for the Stoker Awards 2013 has been announced. Joe Hill and Stephen King face off in the Superior Achievement …

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Film Review: Frost (2014)

Frost horror film

“Some good ideas, shame about the execution!” Someone out there is a huge fan of the found footage format (FFF). In fact there must be many, many people who are. It can’t just be that film studios know that they can make a quick buck by spending such a small amount on a film’s production …

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Bad Things Come to Those Who Wait

Considering it is Women in Horror Recognition month, I thought it would be apt to celebrate a great American novelist and lady of letters, who wrote during a time when serious writing was considered “too inky for ladies”. Though Edith Wharton is renowned for her novels about American society and their sensibilities, such as The …

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Meet The Writer Interview: Fred Venturini

Fred Venturini grew up in Patoka, Illinois, where he survived being lit on fire by a bully, a neck-breaking car accident, and being chewed up by a pit bull. His first novel, The Heart Does Not Grow Back, is forthcoming from Picador in fall 2014. His short fiction has appeared in Booked. Anthology, Surreal South …

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Meet The Writer Interview: Sean Liebling

Sean Leibling is a Former US Marine Corps who served twice overseas. He demonstrates this by writing ‘punch in your gut’ action horror, most notably the Blood Brains and Bullets series. He lives in Newaygo, Michigan with his family and is a licensed firearms instructor and business man. RAVEN BROOKES  What first attracted you to …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 24 February 2014

Can you believe it has been 604800 seconds since the last Must Read Horror? Dragged a bit, hasn’t it? Well, here it is once again, and if you prefer to just read the articles and ignore all this pointless banter, feel free to move on, I won’t take it personally. This week’s top five articles …

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Book Review: The Book of the Crowman by Joseph D’Lacey

“The Book of the Crowman’s power as a novel is such that you won’t be able to disregard it.” While this review will do its level best to avoid spoilers, there’s no way of discussing the events of Joseph D’Lacey’s The Book of the Crowman without referring to Black Feathers, the first book of The Black …

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