My Top 10 Horror Stories by Stephen Jones

Stephen Jones and Neil Gaiman at the Fearie Tales launch at the World Fantasy Convention photo by Peter Coleborn

Stephen Jones, one of Britain’s most acclaimed and prolific anthologists of horror and dark fantasy, has edited the magnificent Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm and Gruesome for Jo Fletcher Books. Over the years he’s read literally tens of thousands of stories from writers both old and new, and so we knew we were setting him a …

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Dreams and Hannibal

Hannibal TV Show

When I was seventeen I had a pair of uncommonly disturbing dreams. I typically don’t remember much about my dreams at all, even the stand-out ones. These two dreams remain vivid in my mind, 18 years later. The first dream is very short and feels very cinematic to me. I’m driving a pickup truck in …

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Frightfest 2013 Film Review: R.I.P.D.


“This is definitely Jeff Bridges’ film. He chews so much scenery that he’ll be shitting green-screens for years to come.” Based on the Dark Horse comic books of the same name, R.I.P.D. is the story of gunned-down detective, Nick Walker (Ryan Reynolds), and his placement in an afterlife police force, the Rest In Peace Department. …

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Film Review: Hostel (2005)

Hostel DVD

 “It frankly isn’t the barrage of barbarism it needs to be!” Following  Saw‘s 2003 release it seemed there would be a never ending tide of movies that themselves would unleash a never ending tide of gore. Admittedly this was mostly due to the rapidly re-spawning  Saw franchise itself, but alongside WΔZ  as an original property …

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2013 FrightFest All-Nighter

Patrick remake

FrightFest does one all-night film festival a year, usually timetabled to coincide with Halloween. While most FrightFest events take place in either London (August) or Glasgow (February), the Halloween one gets rolled out across the country, allowing people who can’t get to the big city events the chance to join in some of the fun. …

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Frightfest 2013 Film Review: We Are What We Are

“Tense, bloody, and visceral, We Are What We Are is a modern masterpiece” Jim Mickle’s reimagining of Jorge Michael Grau’s Somos lo Que Hay is nothing short of brilliant. After the death of their mother, Rose and Iris Parker are charged with continuing an ancient family tradition that would make Hannibal upchuck. When mudslides begin …

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Event Review: Sitges Festival 2013

Known just as Sitges to its fans, the 46th Sitges Fantasy film festival –  which ran from 11 to 20 October this year in the Europa  gorgeous coastal town near Barcelona –  has to be the greatest horror movie festival in the world. Given its geographical compactness and idyllic setting, the event screens around 200 …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 18 November 2013

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: 10 More Horror Sequels That Never Got Made The Psychotic Glee of Psychomania The Ten Worst Horror Finales The Horror at the Heart of Australian Cinema 5 Vacation …

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Film Review: V/H/S 2 (2013)

VHS 2 cover

“An improvement on the original!” Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat, shall we? V/H/S 2 does pretty much what its predecessor did, but with a bigger budget. That said, this sequel does offer some nice surprises. Comprising of four unrelated horror shorts all told via the medium of good old handycam footage …

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Graphic Novel Review: Adamtine by Hannah Berry

  “A complex, but fully rounded, piece of fiction!” There are some graphic novels that reveal all their secrets on the first read through and can happily be placed upon the shelf or taken to the local charity shop never to be read again. Then there are other books that will reward a re-read with …

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