Psychotherapist Lynda Hilburn writes paranormal fiction, urban fantasy and dark fantasy novels. She lives in Boulder, Colorado in the USA and is still waiting for a real vampire to show up in her waiting room. Keep on reading…
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Horror retrospective: Maniac (1980)
Maniac (1980) is the unsung emperor of the stalker/slasher subgenre. It’s a gritty, low budget exploitation movie from the golden era of horror, and follows all the standard conventions of a stalker/slasher film: you have a disturbed male protagonist that kills a number of attractive women with a sharp implement (a typical phallic penetration metaphor …
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5 Must Read Horror Articles – 24 December 2012
It’s that time again, folks! We’ve been scouring for the best horror articles the internet has to offer, and since Christmas is almost upon us there’s a festive inclusion this time around. This week on Must Read Horror: 10 horror games that deserve sequels Merry Bloody Christmas: Top 5 Yuletide horror films Reinventing The Mummy …
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With All My Love Always Always Forever XXX by Stephen Volk
Fleet services was packed. It always was, on the run up to the holidays. They’d learnt to be patient over the years. They knew they might not see the right candidate for a while. But there always was one. Keep on reading…
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News Round-up Week Ending 21 December
Grimm Up North plan for 2013 The organisers of Grimm Up North have announced their line-up for the early part of next year. 2013 will begin with a double bill of Repulsion & Chained on 9 January. This is then followed by Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I Didn’t Come Here to Die on 23 January. The month is then …
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As Pure as the Driven Snow by BC Furtney
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas Ev’rywhere you go… There wasn’t much holiday cheer going around the mean city, but there never was. Just another holiday, just another workday. Lindsay reached down to cup the fat bastard’s balls before he came. She knew he was going to, by the way his jelly bowl …
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Charlie’s Stones By L.R. Bonehill
There was a white glare on the garden; crisp and glittering. The blizzard had started around dusk, unexpected and fierce. Snow snapped and spun in the moonlight; fell in whipping sheets to coat the ground inches thick. Keep on reading…
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More Than Once a Year by Lee Davis
Simon’s uncle gritted his teeth, grunting as he hauled the deer’s carcass across the threshold, uncaring of the snow that blew in from the storm outside, or even the streaks of blood that trailed behind the slain doe. Howard stared dumbly, without any emotional response. Keep on reading…
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Carollers by Ross Warren
“Bloody carollers,” Reginald Crump muttered as he trudged through the brown slush that coated the high street. “Clogging up the streets… and don’t get me started on that screeching they think is singing. Used to be folk knew how to hold a tune.” He entered Martin’s News and picked up a copy of the Daily …
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Pine Needles by JD Gillam
It was dark and cold. Lenny had wrapped his dressing gown around him to try and keep warm as he descended the stairs. He was careful where he trod, avoiding the squeaks on the stairs and stepping over the cat that had curled itself into a ball at the bottom. The feline briefly opened one …
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