Review: Sinister

When it was first announced that Jason Blum of Paranormal Activity and Insidious fame would be producing this year’s hotly hyped horror release, Sinister, there were certain question marks. On one hand the original Paranormal Activity managed to reinvent and breathe life into an old subgenre in the shape of found footage, whilst on the …

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Review: Tales of the Nun and Dragon collected by Adele Wearing

We all know that nuns and dragons go together like shoes and socks, like salt and pepper, like Buffy and Angel; okay, maybe not, but that’s the premise of this collection from Fox Spirit, and it could have gone so horribly wrong. How many different ways is it possible to link the two titular entities? …

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Happy Halloween 2: Crushing Passion vs. Bloody Commerce (aka Fiends Unite!)

Is it really the second Halloween edition of this column? Looks like it is, and I’m still waiting on that office, Mike. Anyway, it’s my personal favourite time of year and it’s beating rain outside all weekend. That’s the ideal time to reflect and genuflect at the altars of the things we dig most. In …

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Review: Let the Old Dreams Die by John Ajvide Lindqvist

Since the mid-1990s, Scandinavian fiction has enjoyed an unprecedented upsurge in popularity. Writers like Jo Nesbø and Camilla Läckberg have ridden the so-called Nordic Noir crimewave in the wake of Henning Mankell’s ‘Wallander’ novels and Stieg Larsson’s extraordinary ‘Millennium’ trilogy, gathering huge international sales, critical acclaim and large budget film adaptations. TV series like Wallander, …

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4 Must Read Articles


This week on Must Read Horror Articles: Top 5 Zombie Films of All Time Horror Education of the Week: ‘Aliens’ [Good Scenes in Bad Movies] The ‘House of Wax’ Edition Top Horror Films from the 1960s If you want more useful links like the must read horror articles we highlight every week, then please follow …

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Dexter: Season 7 Preview

Literary agent and editor, Sharon Ring, swings by to let us know her thoughts and predictions on Dexter and what we can expect from the new season, which premieres tonight. Read more…

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News Round-up Week Ending 28 September

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe will play Hunchback in Frankenstein The Woman in Black star, Daniel Radcliffe, has been reported to be interested in playing the lead role of the Hunchback  in Paul McGuigan’s remake of the classic, Frankenstein. It is currently in the works at Twentieth Century Fox. The script is being finalised before serious talks can …

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Writers are full of shit (and where ideas really come from)

Writers, gentle reader, are SO full of shit it beggars belief! Considering I’m a writer myself, and knowing the silo loads of shit with which I’m stuffed, it shouldn’t really beggar my belief. But let’s just say, for the benefit of this column, that it does. Let me give you an example of this outrageous …

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Review: What gets left behind by Mark West

Mike Bergen is a married man from Barnstaple, where he happily lives with his wife and son. The story opens in Gaffney, where Mike is attending a work-related conference. Gaffney, however, is also the place where a terrible occurrence took the life of his best friend almost thirty years ago. Desperate to lay to rest …

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The Summer Blockbuster – A History of Horror Cinema

There is a period in cinema – roughly May to September – that is well known as the summer blockbuster season. This is the time of the year that studios vie for release dates against other studios to unleash their tent-pole movie that will hopefully clean up at the box office and ensure a healthy …

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