Dexter Early Cuts: All in the Family animated web series The webisodes are narrated by Michael C. Hall (who plays Dexter in the popular television series), illustrated by David Mack and written by the producer of Dexter Scott Reynolds. They tell important stories from Dexter’s history. The eerie Dexter soundtrack and Michael C. Hall’s narration will definitely …
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James Herbert – Scream Interview Preview
Today sees the publication of James Herbert’s latest novel, Ash. This is the third and final novel to feature parapsychologist, David Ash, who was previously seen in Haunted and The Ghosts of Sleath. To celebrate the publication of Ash we are delighted to bring you a preview of Michael Wilson’s interview with James Herbert which …
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Meet The Writer: Joe Mynhardt
Joe Mynhardt is a South African horror writer and teacher. He has dozens of short stories publications, and also tends to a tome of stories, comics, plays and movies scrapping for a chance to be written. Read more…
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Ramsey Campbell, Gary McMahon, Simon Bestwick and Conrad Williams – Live in Manchester
We are incredibly pleased to announce that on Saturday September 22 we will celebrate the launch of our second chapbook Thin Men with Yellow Faces by Gary McMahon and Simon Bestwick with a very special event. The launch event will be taking place at MadLab in Manchester from 6:30pm and will run through to approximately 8:15pm. …
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Review: Dark Mirror
When you start your film with an opening shot of the main character lying on a blood-soaked bed with their son, looking at a kitchen knife sticking out of their stomach, you’d better ensure that the remainder of the running time lives up to that opening montage. Unfortunately, Dark Mirror fails on nearly every level. …
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Review: Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3 sees the title character depart from his noir, hardboiled detective roots (as demonstrated in the first two instalments, where Max claps his way through drug lords in a gritty New York setting) and venture off into the sunset. Approximately nine years after Max Payne 2, fans are now treated to a completely …
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Interview: Gaie Sebold, Part II
Your mythic landscape, the interdimensional hotspot Scalentine, has a well-developed geography and a cornucopia of Weres, Feys and Hermaphroditic four-armed sentients. Was there a lot of detailed note-taking and did you have character bibles to keep track of all your multi-coloured creations? GS: I probably should have! To be honest, I just tend to think of …
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3 Must Read Horror Articles
This week on Must Read Horror Articles: A Buyer’s Guide to… The New Wave of French Horror When Worlds Collide: Sci-Fi and Horror Films Top 10 Asian Horror Films you have never heard of If you want more useful links like the must read horror articles we highlight every week, then please follow @ThisIsHorror on Twitter. …
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Interview: Peter Dukes
Peter Dukes has been writing, producing and directing for over 18 years. In 2005 he founded Dream Seekers Productions to produce his own slate of independent films. To date, Dream Seekers has produced 14 films. Read more…
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News Round-up Week Ending 24 August 2012
Stephen King and Joe Hill collaboration novella to be released soon Stephen King and Joe Hill will have their ebook collaboration In the Tall Grass published by Scribner in October 2012. The story begins with a brother and sister who hear a young boy crying for help in some tall grass to the side of the …
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