Review: The Revenant

Actually filmed in 2009, it is a surprise that The Revenant wasn’t released earlier. In the spirit of Shaun of the Dead, The Revenant is a zombie horror comedy with a sub-plot of romance. In fact it ‘s even more of a mash-up of genres, including military and action films. The Revenant

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Tartarus Press Interview

Tartarus Press is an award-winning publisher of high-quality supernatural fiction. One half of the Tartarus team, Ray Russell, spoke to Caroline Callaghan about the press. Meet The Publisher: Tartarus Press

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Interview: Pat Higgins

The UK has always been blessed with a bright and vibrant independent horror film scene.  There is something appealing about these low budget labour of love films.  Pat Higgins has been one of genres success stories, after setting up Jinx Media in 2003, Pat has gone on to make a series of fun-filled horror films …

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Flash Fear: Slow Drowning by David Tallerman

Today we have a bit of a treat for you. A collaboration between artist and Spectral Press publisher, Simon Marshall-Jones and the winner of the This Is Horror/Spectral Press Chapbook competition David Tallerman. Enjoy our latest flash fiction. Slow Drowning by David Tallerman

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Review: The Wicker Tree

Let’s get one thing out of the way right at the start of this review: The Wicker Man is a classic British horror film, one which gradually acquired its reputation after initially going out on the lower half of a double bill at UK cinemas in 1973 (with Nicolas Roeg’s Don’t Look Now) and then …

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Review: Osombie

Oh dear! Oh no! Osombie! This film was reviewed in the very slight hope that it might turn out to be a comedy, or possibly even a musical (the lyrics above might have done for the big finale, don’t you think?). Osombie

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The importance of comic book covers (and the paradox of clichés)

Jasper Bark explains just why comic book covers may be both the most important and best covers of all. The importance of comic book covers

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This Is Horror Premium Chapbooks Launch Event with David Moody, Joseph D’Lacey and Simon Bestwick

This Is Horror Chapbook launch event Warwick David Moody

To commemorate the launch of the This Is Horror Premium Chapbooks we have arranged a very special event with This Is Horror Chapbook authors David Moody, Joseph D’Lacey and Simon Bestwick. This will follow on from the 18 June release of Joe & Me and will take part on Friday 22 June 2012 in The …

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The rapid decline of monster movies (and can Dirty Harry cure world hunger?)

What on earth does Dirty Harry have to do with monster movies, decline or otherwise? You better take a walk onto The Bloodstained Balcony and find out. The rapid decline of monster movies

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Interview: Carlton Mellick

Carlton Mellick is an author of bizarro fiction. Some of his books include: Satan Burger, Punk Land, Apeshit, Cannibals of Candyland, Adolf in Wonderland, Menstruating Mall, Sausagey Santa, and the Haunted Vagina. Meet The Writer: Carlton Mellick

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