Can there be another writer more misrepresented in film than H P Lovecraft? For the last fifty years, his writing has been the inspiration for countless filmmakers, but rarely have the results been successful. More often than not you suspect that the makers can’t be bothered to refer to the source material, instead preferring to …
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Joseph D’Lacey Short Story Collection Lands September 2012
A couple of months have passed since we announced that Joseph D’Lacey had signed with Proxima Books for his forthcoming vampire novel, Blood Fugue. It brings us great pleasure to announce that Joseph has secured another great publishing deal. This time around it’s with Simon Key’s Timeline Books. His as yet untitled collection will include …
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Paul Finch: Interview, Part I
Paul Finch is a screenwriter, author, and journalist. Paul has worked in a variety of genres from ITV’s police drama The Bill to last year’s fantastic horror film The Devil’s Rock. Paul is also an accomplished author, with a number of published novels and numerous short stories. Paul Finch Interview
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Interview: Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green is a writer of speculative fiction, with more than thirty-five books to his name. He is the creator of Abaddon Books’ Pax Britannia steampunk universe, and his eighth novel set within that world will be published in 2012. He has also written for such diverse properties as Doctor Who, Star Wars: The Clone …
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Film Review: Cassadaga
A young blind woman, Lily More, moves to the spiritualist community of Cassadaga after the death of her sister. The two girls had been orphans, their mother dying when they were young, so Lily’s life has already been blighted by tragedy. She’s been awarded a bursary to the local University, where she wants to study …
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Review: The Devil’s Rain
By the mid-seventies, cinema had shown us that getting mixed up with Satan had some serious consequences. Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist had swept away any idea that horror films were just simple morality tales where good must ultimately win through. Arriving when it did, The Devil’s Rain looks like was made a decade too …
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VHS Horror
In his latest instalment of Horror of Babylon, BC Furtney reminisces about the glory days of the VCR. The VCR Era
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In the Dark Hollow of a Caravan Someone Waits by Cate Gardner
Brand new Flash Fear from Cate Gardner and illustrated by Jason Hicks. Cate Gardner Flash Fiction
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The Cabin in the Woods – Review
Stuck in release hell since filming wrapped in 2009 (due to MGM going bankrupt), 2012 will finally see the liberation of Cabin in the Woods, the love letter to horror from Buffy the Vampire Slayer alumni Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon, onto the big screen. Review: The Cabin in the Woods
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Hollywood Monster by Robert Englund
The chances are, if you’re a horror fan, then you’ll know who Robert Englund is. The original – and best – incarnation of Freddy Krueger, Englund rose to prominence in the 1984 Nightmare on Elm Street film directed by Wes Craven and is still working today (mostly on very low-budget horror films) and he’s also …
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