In this podcast, David J. Schow talks about The Crow, splatterpunk, Robert Bloch, and much more. About David J. Schow David J. Schow is an American author of horror novels, short stories, and screenplays. His credits include films such as Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Crow, and The Hills Run Red. Show notes …
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Look Out For … The Spite House by Johnny Compton
“With his debut novel, Compton tackles our universal need to understand our past with this ghastly ghost story, cranking the dread to a fever pitch.” Running from his mysterious past, Eric Ross leaves his wife, his house … his life … behind. With only his two daughters with him, Eric answers an ad for the …
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TIH 477: David J. Schow on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Twilight Zone Magazine, and Screenwriting
In this podcast, David J. Schow talks about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Twilight Zone Magazine, screenwriting, and much more. About David J. Schow David J. Schow is an American author of horror novels, short stories, and screenplays. His credits include films such as Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Crow, and The …
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5 Must Read Horror Articles 2 January 2023
Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Bloody Disgusting with the twelve best international horror films of 2022 The Lineup presents a look at emerging horror fiction trends Certified Forgotten examines the coming-of-age experience in Bones …
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World Exclusive Cover Reveal: Conjuring the Witch by Jessica Leonard
What an honour it is to reveal the wonderful cover art from Matthew Revert for the brand-new Jessica Leonard novel, Conjuring The Witch, the much anticipated second novel from the author of supernatural thriller, Antioch. It lands on 2 May 2023 but you can secure your copy in just a few days when Ghoulish’s spectacular Kickstarter …
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TIH 476: John Niven on Kill Your Friends, The Trip, and The F*ck-it List
In this podcast, John Niven talks about Kill Your Friends, The Trip, The F*ck-it List, and much more. About John Niven John Niven is a Scottish author and screenwriter. His books include Kill Your Friends, The Amateurs, and The Second Coming. Show notes Thanks for Listening! Help out the show: Support This Is Horror on …
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News Round-up Week Ending 30 December 2022
Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Out now from writer Andrew Martin and D&T Publishing, Adios Hombre Lobos Influenced by the works of John Carpenter, Sam Peckinpah, and Kathryn Bigelow as much as classic werewolf fiction, Adios Hombre Lobos takes place just after …
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