Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: The Lineup select the best debut horror novels of 2022 Cemetery Dance delve into the Night Time Logic of writer James Everington Crime Reads host a round table discussion …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/5-must-read-horror-articles-14-november-2022/
TIH 468: Paul Tremblay on Unreliable Narrators, Writing Without Outlining, and Anxiety in Fiction
In this podcast, Paul Tremblay talks about unreliable narrators, writing without an outline, anxiety in fiction, and much more. About Paul Tremblay Paul Tremblay has won the Bram Stoker, British Fantasy, and Massachusetts Book awards and is the author of The Pallbearers Club, Survivor Song, The Cabin at the End of the World, Disappearance at …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-468-paul-tremblay-on-unreliable-narrators-writing-without-outlining-and-anxiety-in-fiction/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/news-round-up-week-ending-11-november-2022/
TOD 115 The Horizon Is Still Way Beyond You: Zora Neale Hurston’s Life and Legacy
The Outer Dark presents ‘The Horizon is Still Way Beyond You: Zora Neale Hurston’s Life and Legacy’ panel at NecronomiCon 2022 featuring Edward M. Erdelac (moderator), Nicole Givens Kurtz, and Adam Golaski plus a bonus interview with Nicole Givens Kurtz about Blackened Roots: An Anthology of the Undead (February 2023, Mocha Memoirs Press). This podcast’s …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tod-115-the-horizon-is-still-way-beyond-you-zora-neale-hurstons-life-and-legacy/
Look Out For … The Stone Serpent by Nicholas Kaufmann
“With his latest, Kaufmann returns to the world of Dr. Laura Powell with a pulse-pounding story of deranged cult leaders and biotech gone horribly wrong.” When a petrified corpse lands on Medical Examiner Dr. Laura Powell’s autopsy table, she fully believes it’s a fossil. Strangely, all the evidence suggests otherwise, as the man on her …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/look-out-for-the-stone-serpent-by-nicholas-kaufmann/
TIH 467: Paul Tremblay on The Pallbearers Club, Knock At The Cabin, and The Legend of Mercy Brown
In this podcast, Paul Tremblay talks about The Pallbearers Club, Knock At The Cabin, the legend of Mercy Brown, and much more. About Paul Tremblay Paul Tremblay has won the Bram Stoker, British Fantasy, and Massachusetts Book awards and is the author of The Pallbearers Club, Survivor Song, The Cabin at the End of the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-467-paul-tremblay-on-the-pallbearers-club-knock-at-the-cabin-and-the-legend-of-mercy-brown/
5 Must Read Horror Articles 7 November 2022
Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Crime Reads present Erika T Wurth’s essay on writing native horror during a horror renaissance Dread Central dig deeper into the Sadako’s rage from the original novel of Ringu The …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/5-must-read-horror-articles-7-november-2022/
TOD 114 The Jewish Tradition in Weird Fiction Panel at NecronomiCon 2022
The Outer Dark presents ‘The Jewish Tradition in Weird Fiction’ panel at NecronomiCon 2022 featuring Daniel Braum (moderator), Edward M. Erdelac, Richard Gerlach, Maxwell I. Gold, Nicholas Kaufmann, and Ann VanderMeer. This podcast’s content was recorded in Providence, Rhode Island, on August 20, 2022. Show Notes The Outer Dark presents ‘The Jewish Tradition in Weird …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tod-114-the-jewish-tradition-in-weird-fiction-panel-at-necronomicon-2022/
News Round-up Week Ending 4 November 2022
Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Out now from writer Christopher Badcock and Darklit Press, Those You Killed Bestselling author, father, husband. Junkie. Elwood Cathis gave up everything for the needle. Desperate to rebuild a relationship with his daughter and ex-wife, he’s come to …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/news-round-up-week-ending-4-november-2022/
Look Out For … The Dismembered by Jonathan Janz
With modern sensibilities, Janz tackles the Gothic tale, stamping the genre with his unique spin of blood-chilling horror. Reeling from a nasty divorce and the public fallout that followed, American writer Arthur Pearce begins to travel abroad to England. It’s the spring of 1912, and while on a London-bound train he meets the lovely Sarah …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/look-out-for-the-dismembered-by-jonathan-janz/