Meet the Writer: Villimey Mist

Villimey Mist- Author Photo

Villimey has always been fascinated by vampires and horror, ever since she watched Bram Stoker’s Dracula when she was a little, curious girl and when she was traumatized by the chestburster scene in Aliens. She loves to read and create stories that pop into her head unannounced. She’s had her short stories appear in various …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 13 June 2022


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado: Crime Reads feature an essay on the nature of the monstrous and its role in introspection The Ginger Nuts of Horror feature a personal essay on mental health by …

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TIH 440: Max Booth III on Maggots Screaming!, Ghoulish Book Fest, and What To Do When Bombing

Max Booth looks at the camera as part of the podcast cover image for episode 440 of This Is Horror Podcast. Max wears glasses and a hat. The photo is shot in black and white and Max has a knowing smirk that complements his personality.

In this podcast Max Booth III talks about Maggots Screaming!, Ghoulish Book Fest, what to do when bombing, and much more. About Max Booth III Max Booth III is the author of Abnormal Statistics, Maggots Screaming!, We Need To Do Something, and Touch The Night. He is the publisher of Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing and …

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News Round-up Week Ending 10 June 2022


Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Coming 18 July, Lure, a new novella by Tim McGregor from Tenebrous Press In the chapel of a forsaken fishing village on another world’s shore, the seawashed bones of old gods hang from the rafters. When a new …

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Look Out For … The Pain Eater by Kyle Muntz

The Pain Eater by Kyle Muntz - cover

“With his latest, Muntz presents the tale of a strange creature that feeds off pain and the terrible price that must be paid to make all the torment go away.” Two brothers reunite in Michigan after their father dies. They’ve never really been that close … and now they have to live together. One of …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 6 June 2022


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado: Bloody Disgusting look back at Poltergeist forty years on and ask how it has changed the haunted house sub-genre The Horror Tree talk up the huge success that was  Chillercon UK …

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News Round-up Week Ending 3 June 2022


Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Available now from author Jen Williams and Absinthe Books, Seven Dead Sisters, a horror/fantasy novella Alizon Grey is being driven to her death, caged in the back of a cart ready to be burned to death as …

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TIH 439: Max Booth III on Screenwriting, We Need To Do Something, and Ghoulish Podcast

Max Booth III standing still at a film festival as part of the podcast episode cover image. Max wears a black jacket and t-shirt with a cool graphic and black rimmed glasses.

In this podcast Max Booth III talks about screenwriting, We Need To Do Something, Ghoulish Podcast, and much more. About Max Booth III Max Booth III is the author of Abnormal Statistics, Maggots Screaming!, We Need To Do Something, and Touch The Night. He is the publisher of Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing and Ghoulish Books. …

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Look Out For … The Dark Matter of Natasha by Matthew R. Davis

The Dark Matter of Natasha by Matthew R. Davis - cover

“With his latest, Davis plunges the depths of teenage angst with a coming-of-age tale that twists the sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll trope to horrifying dimensions.” Doom in denim, Natasha prowls the streets. Burned out, dulled by her past, and unable to avoid the gossip, she escapes in sex, drugs, and Slayer.  When she crosses paths …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 30 May 2022


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado: LitReactor talk up the new splatterpunks Bloody Disgusting pick out the best needle drops in the new season of Stranger Things The Ginger Nuts of Horror feature a very …

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