From deep within the wild Welsh countryside, Catherine McCarthy spins dark yarns that deliver a sting in the tail. She is the author of the collections Door and other twisted tales, Mists and Megaliths, and also the novella, Immortelle (published by Off Limits Press July 2021): a Gothic tale of grief and revenge, set on …
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TIH 408: Kev Harrison on Below, Fear of Horses, and The Importance of Travel
In this podcast Kev Harrison talks about Below, his fear of horses, the importance of travel, and much more. About Kev Harrison Kev Harrison is a writer of dark fiction and English language teacher from England, living and working in Lisbon, Portugal. He is the author of the novellas The Balance and Below and the short story collection Paths …
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News Round-up Week Ending 20 August 2021
Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Coming 27 August from Crystal Lake Publishing and editors Aaron J. French and Jess Landry, There Is No Death, There Are No Dead First appearing in the late 1800s, spiritualism became a religious movement that swept the …
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Look Out For … The Strange Thing We Become and Other Dark Tales by Eric LaRocca
“With this collection, LaRocca showcases his flair for combining twisted characters with tragic stories that capture the turmoil of the human condition.” Eight dark tales. Twisted love. Tragic revelations. Explore the shadow side of love. From the mind of Eric LaRocca. Why we’re excited about this book: Within just a short amount of time, Eric …
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Book Review: The Derelict by Neil Williams
“… unfolds at the perfect pace with not a wasted scene. He mounts the dread perfectly, filling the pages with atmosphere, with a fully-realised, dark world.” There are some story settings which seem to come pre-loaded with atmosphere. Post-apocalyptic worlds, for example. Or ice- and snow-locked stories. Then there are ocean-going tales, which, when done …
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Book Review: Near the Bone by Christina Henry
“Henry shows a deep imagination, and an ability to sustain terror, even if that’s mainly of the human variety.” Christina Henry is a name which will be familiar to many who read dark, fantastical books. For a number of years, she has carved out a career reinventing and reimaging classic works of fantasy. Peter …
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TIH 407: Kev Harrison on The Balance, Moving Abroad, and Writing Lessons
In this podcast Kev Harrison talks about The Balance, moving abroad, writing lessons, and much more. About Kev Harrison Kev Harrison is a writer of dark fiction and English language teacher from England, living and working in Lisbon, Portugal. He is the author of the novellas The Balance and Below and the short story collection Paths Best Left Untrodden. …
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5 Must Read Horror Articles 16 August 2021
Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Fangoria looks back at Session 9, twenty years on with director Brad Anderson and co-writer Steve Gevedon LitReactor explains how to live a decade as a full time writer no-one …
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News Round-up Week Ending 13 August 2021
Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Out now from writer David Irons and Severed Press, The Bloody Tracks of Bigfoot Venturing up Onion Mountain – Portland, Oregon, an independent film crew attempts to make a low-budget slasher movie titled “Mountaintop Madman Massacre.” When a special …
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