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  1. Great stuff. Listening to this whilst writing a university assignment and it is great to hear Tim Lebbon mention Herbert’s ‘The Rats’ as the horror novel that made him never look back! It was probably one of, if not THE horror novel that made me fall in love with the genre. 🙂

    • Tif on January 30, 2019 at 6:24 am
    • Reply

    I love the sookie stackhouse stories I’ve read them at least 20+ times now in my life and I absolutely loved the ending of the series and I just love having these stories, every time I read them it’s a form of going home for me and even though I did get the ending I was hoping for, even if I wouldn’t have I would have def respected however she seen fit to end it because it was hers and she just shared it with us and I’m forever grateful that she did!

    • Salvatore Cangemi on August 5, 2020 at 10:15 pm
    • Reply

    Love this conversation. I gave up writing at the age of 30 due to not getting published. When I turned 50 (last year) I decided to write again just for me. After finishing my novella, I sent it out to one publisher and, go figure, I am now a published writer. The Universe works by its own laws. Oh and getting ready to read “the Girl in the Video” now!

    1. So glad that you’ve returned to writing and thank you so much for checking out The Girl in the Video.—Michael David Wilson

  2. Great interview and thank you so much for the mention about my collaborations. I am truly humbled by it.

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