This Is Horror

The Cutting Room: Zombie Prom

Zombie-PromA musical-comedy homage to the musicals and films of the 1950s, Zombie Prom tells the story of a forbidden romance between the rebellious bad boy Jonny and the good girl Toffee. After falling into a nuclear reactor, Jonny returns to his love as a zombie.

Why we’re looking forward to this: If the prospect of a zombie musical comedy set in a Back To The Future time zone doesn’t appeal even the tiniest bit to your inner lover of kitsch, cheesy horror movies, then the end of the world really is nigh!

Zombie Prom was originally an Off Broadway production that garnered a cult following, but the TV and film rights have been picked up by Michael J Roth and Steve Longhi so the John Dempsey and Dana P Rowe penned zom-com-sing-a-long will soon be performing in front of a (hopefully) much larger audience.

Now we love serious, straight up horror films here at This Is Horror as much as the next maniac, but sometimes you just need to switch off the brain and let the glorious ridiculousness of something like Zombie Prom wash over you.

Zombie Prom is in development right now for a 2016 curtain call.