TIH 212: Michael Griffin on The Human Alchemy, The Lure of Devouring Light, and the Revision Process

TIH 212 Michael Griffin on The Human Alchemy, The Lure of Devouring Light, and the Revision Process

Michael David Wilson, Bob Pastorella, and Michael Griffin

TIH 212: Michael Griffin on The Human Alchemy, The Lure of the Devouring Light, and the Revision Process

Michael David Wilson, Bob Pastorella, and Michael Griffin         Michael David Wilson, Bob Pastorella, and Michael Griffin        
TIH 212: Michael Griffin on The Human Alchemy, The Lure of the Devouring Light, and the Revision Process           TIH 212: Michael Griffin on The Human Alchemy, The Lure of the Devouring Light, and the Revision Process          
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    In this podcast Michael Griffin talks about The Human Alchemy, The Lure of Devouring Light, the revision process, and much more.

    About Michael Griffin

    Michael Griffin has released a novel, Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone (Journalstone, 2017) and a short fiction collection, The Lure of Devouring Light (Word Horde, 2016). His second collection, The Human Alchemy, comes out at the end of June, 2018, again from Word Horde. His stories have appeared in magazines like Apex and Black Static, and the anthologies Looming Low, Eternal Frankenstein, The Children of Old Leech, and the Shirley Jackson Award winner The Grimscribe’s Puppets. He’s also an ambient musician and founder of Hypnos Recordings, an ambient record label he operates with his wife in Portland, Oregon. Michael’s blog is at griffinwords.com and on Twitter, he posts as @mgsoundvisions.

    Show notes

    • [02:20] Lessons learnt putting together The Lure of Devouring Light and putting together The Human Alchemy
    • [08:40] Sourcing artwork for covers
    • [24:20] Kev Harrison, via Patreon, asks about incorporating image, sound, and sensation into fiction
    • [33:00] Continuing stories of Firedancing characters
    • [35:10] Current work in progress
    • [40:25] Writing routine
    • [49:00] Fitness routine
    • [52:50] Ross Byers, via Patreon, asks about revision process
    • [01:00:50] Thomas Joyce, via Patreon, asks about writing and music and whether they influence one another
    • [01:16:50] Email newsletters
    • [01:19:15] What advice would you give your eighteen year old self
    • [01:23:10] Connect with Michael

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    Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-212-michael-griffin-on-the-human-alchemy-the-lure-of-devouring-light-and-the-revision-process/

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