This Is Horror

TOD 018 Desirina Boskovich: Walking Reality’s Festering Fault Lines … with a Dog

In this podcast Scott Nicolay interviews Desirina Boskovich, author of Never Now Always. Also a mini-roundtable preview of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon (Oct. 6-8, Portland, OR) featuring Philip Gelatt (They Remain World Premiere), Gwen and Brian Callahan, and Justin Steele, plus reviews by Gabino Iglesias (LitReactorZero Saints) of They Remain and Desirina’s Never Now Always.

Show Notes

Author Desirina Boskovich joins Scott to talk about her novella Never Now Always (Broken Eye Books) released in June 2017, including the aggressive cover art by Jeremy Zerfoss, festering influences such as the movie Dark City and author Caitlin R. Kiernan, unreliable narrators versus unreliable reality, C.S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair, writing from a personal perspective, the absence of dogs in speculative fiction and their importance for humanity, child protagonists, cracks and fault lines where Weirdness is seeping into fiction and political reality, delusional narratives, and more. Desirina then treats listeners to her first reading of an excerpt from Never Now Always (0:57:24), and the discussion wraps (1:05:17) with the importance of breakfast, the novella in Weird fiction, what’s next for Desirina, as well as her recommended writers including Brian Evenson, M. John Harrison, and Megan Abbot.

News from The Weird

(01:22:33) The episode wraps with a mini-roundtable preview of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon (Oct. 6-8, Portland, OR) including the World Premiere of They Remain, based on the story by Laird Barron. Joining Scott are screenwriter/director Philip Gelatt, festival co-director Gwen and Brian Callahan, The Outer Dark co-host Justin Steele, and Gabino Iglesias (LitReactorZero Saints) with reviews of They Remain and Desirina’s Never Now Always.

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Additional Links

It Came From the North, ed. by Desirina Boskovich

Lunch Poems’ by Frank O’Hara

‘The Business of Writing Poetry’ (excerpt) by Ted Berrigan

“The Island” by Desirina Boskovich Nightmare Magazine, April 2015

Stickeen by John Muir

To Build a Fire” by John London

Molloy by Samuel Beckett

His Dark Materials Trilogy (The Golden Compass) by Philip Pullman

Un Lun Dun by China Mieville

The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable by Amitav Ghosh

Stories from the Borderland series

“It’s a Good Life” by Jerome Bixby

“WFR’s `101 Weird Writers #13”—Jerome Bixby by Desirina Boskovich

John Dollar by Marianne Wiggins (NYTimes review)

2084: The Anthology (Unsung Stories)

Windeye by Brian Evenson (Coffee House Press)

Courtney Gaines

Children of the Corn trailer

F. Paul Wilson

The Keep trailer

Sean Kirby, director of photography

Phase IV trailer

Margaret Brundage

Tales from a Talking Board, ed. Ross Lockhart (Word Horde)

Orrin Grey

Show Credits

Host/Executive Producer: Scott Nicolay

Co-Host, News From the Weird: Justin Steele

Associate Producer/Show Notes: Anya Martin

Logo Design: Nick “The Hat” Gucker

Music: Michael Griffin